Frank Roshi is invited in Amy Hollowell Roshi’s sangha on Friday evening December 14th at 8 pm.
In the teisho he will facilitate group koan work as a new and inspiring way to explore the depth, the richness and the humour of this age old Zen tool. In the process we will touch upon our own innate wisdom and discover the spiritual intelligence of the community.
Frank will present a wonderfull zen story from the Mumonkan that points to the heart of our Zen practice:
Goso said, ‘To give an example, it is like a buffalo passing through a window.
The head, the horns and the four legs have already passed through, but the tail has not.
Why is it that the tail cannot?’
Wild Flower Zen Sangha
2 passage Courtois
75011 Paris
M° Charonne