Moshe Cohen’s “Sacred Mischief” Workshop
Moshe Cohen’s “Sacred Mischief” workshop is designed to develop similar skills.Cohen’s perspective has been to embody the role of sacred clown, a communityleader found in most Native American traditions and many indigenous nationsaround the planet. These contrarians use humor to teach wisdom, keep thecommunity in balance, and were, in older times, often healers and shaman as well.In some traditions the word “sacred” mean being JUST Human.
In this context, the workshop explores our JUST human, honoring it, nurturing it,and injecting (positive) mischief into our daily lives, as well as our connection withother human beings.
If you imagine that Tool of tricksterdom implies smart words, you might discoverthat the tool is a well-timed glance, or a subtle gesture, of offering humor to releasetensions. We will be working in the nonverbal realm and positive humor, ratherthan spoken word, and sometimes destructive humor.
Through various methods, the workshop will offer opportunities to let go of habitual
rational mind, and hand over the conductor’s baton to our creative/intuitive mind.
We will explore sacred mischief using physical theater, clown, solo, duo and trioimprovisations. We will use elements from Japanese butoh dance, body movementbased in Feldenkrais and eastern movement styles, meditation, outwardmindfulness practices, and voice work to develop usable skills and a capacity forspontaneous interaction. Over the course of three days, we will work hard atlearning to not take ourselves too seriously.
Lodewijk Van Der Kinderenstraat 16 – 9150 Bazel (Belgium)
Participation fee: 230 €
Please notice that the cancellation fee is xx euros
Schedule: May 24. – May 26. 2019
- Friday 24/5 19:00-21:30
- Saterday 25/5 09:00-17:30
- Sunday 26/5 09:00-13:30
Registration, Payment and How to Get More Information
To register, please use this online registration form.
After registering, make your correct payment to :
IBAN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx from x
Please indicate clearly your own name + ‘workshop Moshe Cohen’
Only upon receiving your payment is your registration valid.
Registration for this workshop closes on Xday April XXth.
For more information, mail to
Moshe Cohen’s website: link

Moshe Cohen works and creates in the world of the funny. For 35 years now, hehas pursued excellence in the elusive art form called Clown, seeking to bring morelightness and laughter into the world through his actions, be it as a teacher, aperformer or actor.Moshe teaches in Clown/Film/Theater Schools, Zen Centers, Spiritual LearningCenters, Corporations, Medical Clown Groups, Conferences, Universities, and NGO’s. His pedagogy has evolved over 26 years of teaching and continues toexpand in the exploration of the world of humor.
He began teaching Clown in 1993 at the San Francisco Circus Center. In 2001,Moshe started teaching Clowning Your Zen workshops with Zen master BernieGlassman, shifting the participants from performers to those interested in openingcapacities of humorous expression and expression. Moshe continues tocollaborate with a number of Zen Masters offering workshops interweaving Zenmeditation and Clowning practice.
Moshe often trains Health Care Clowning groups internationally. These workshopsfocus on inner-and-outer clown connection, non-verbal expression, improvisation,re-vitalizations, resiliency and self-care.Moshe also offers team trainings to a diverse field ranging from software engineersto elementary school teachers. Developed over a year-long team project(2015-2016) with the open source group at PayPal, Lightfulness offering skillfultools in presence, active listening, and pathways to en-lighten both collaborationin working groups and in working connections.
Moshe has played a pioneering role in the world of social clowning that began witha friend’s invitation led to shows for Guatemalan refugees in Chiapas in 1987. Afterfurther experiences in South Africa and the Carribean, Moshe traveled as part of a9-person circus project to Croatia with Clowns San Frontières (Fr) in 1994. Inspiredhe founded Clowns Without Borders in the US the following year, organized andparticipated in many projects, directed the US chapter and played the catalyzingrole of international ambassador leading to the creation of CWBI, the internationalfederation of Clowns Without Borders chapters. Moshe continues to participate as aUS board member, and occasionally participates in international projects.
Moshe was a member of Make a Circus’s Funny Bone Doctors from 1995-98visiting Pediatrics wards in a number of Bay Area Hospitals on a weekly basis. Hehas carried that experience forward during hospital visits on CWB projects.